
Top 50 Vue.js Interview Questions and Answers

Every  must have gained some expertise in technology, skills inand other frameworks such as Bootstrap, and so on. One such  which is most widely used by most developers is Vue.js. It is used to develop end-to-end user interfaces and a wide range of single-page web applications. The interesting fact about Vue.js is that it is an Open-source framework. It is supported by many browsers as well. Hence there is a need for Vue.js developers in the global market. Before attending an interview, get yourself well equipped with the concepts of Vue.js and its applications by reading the top Vue.js interview questions.

1. What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is an open-source, JavaScript framework that is used to develop user interfaces and dynamic single-page web applications.

2. Mention some of the alternatives to Vue.js.

1) React

2) Angular

3) jQuery

4) Bootstrap

and so on are some of the alternatives to Vue.js.

3. What is the use of the ‘const’ keyword in Vue.js?

A ‘const’ keyword is used to create constants.

4. Mention some of the pre-built directives in Vue.js.

v-for, v-show, v-if, v-else, v-bind, v-model, and so on are some of the inbuilt directives present in Vue.js.

5. Can we create a custom filter in Vue.js?

Yes, we can create a custom filter in Vue.js.

6. How does a Vue instance is created in Vue.js?

A Vue instance is created by using the Vue() (Vue function).

var ab = new Vue({...................})

7. What is the use of the v-for directive in Vue.js?

v-for directive is basically an inbuilt directive, which is used to iterate over a particular array or an object

8. What are filters in Vue.js?

A filter is a JS function that is used to change the output of data to the browser.

9. Mention some of the features of Vue.js.

Here are some of the features of Vue.js. They are

1) Templates

2) Event Handling

3) Routing

4) Data Binding

5) Light-weight nature

6) Simple integration and so on..

10. Vue.js is not supported by most browsers. True or False?

False, because Vue.js is supported by the majority of the browsers.

11. Can we call the REST API from Vue.js?

Yes, we can call a REST API from Vue.js with the help of the Axios library.

12. List out some of the conditional directives in Vue.js.

v-if, v-else, v-else-if, and so on are some of the conditional directives in Vue.js.

13. Are filters reusable in Vue?

Yes, the filters are reusable in Vue.

14. Are filters used in Vue 3?

No, the filters are removed from Vue 3.x. It means that in the latest version of Vue.js the filters are not used.

15. What is Mixin in Vue.js?

Mixins are an easier way to distribute reusable functionalities for Vue components.

16. Which inbuilt directive in Vue.js is used to establish two-way bindings?

The v-model directive is used to create the two-way bindings in Vue.js.

17. Which directive is used for one-way data binding in Vue.js?

The v-bind directive is used for one-way data binding or one-way data flow in Vue.js.

18. Name some of the popular websites that use Vue.js.

Trivago, Netflix, Adobe, Facebook, Gitlab, Grammarly, and so on.

19. Does Vue.js provide two-way communications?

Yes, Vue.js supports two-way communication.

20. What is Virtual DOM?

Virtual DOM is a JavaScript representation of Document Object Model (DOM), which is lightweight in nature.

21. List out the Vue.js Mouse event modifiers.

Here are some of the Vue.js mouse event modifiers. They are:

1) .left

2) .right

3) .middle

22. How is v-show different from the v-if directive in Vue.js?

The v-show directive conditionally displays elements, whereas the v-if directive conditionally renders elements.

23. List out some of the event modifiers in Vue.js.

Here are some of the event modifiers present in Vue.js

1) .stop

2) .capture

3) .self

4) .once

5) .passive and so on

24. What are key modifiers in Vue.js?

esc, space, tab, delete, and so on are some of the key modifiers in Vue

25. Mention some of the array change detection, and mutation methods in Vue.js.

push(), pop(), shift(), slice(), sort(), and so on. These are some of the methods used in Vue.js

26. What is the use of $child property in Vue.js?

Similar to the $parent property, the $child property enables the developer to access the child instance.

27. Vue consists of how many components?

Vue consists of three components namely templates, styles, and JavaScript.

28. What is a local component in Vue.js?

In Vue.js, any component can be registered as a local component which means that the component can be accessed and used only in the place where it is registered.

29. What is a global component in Vue.js?

In Vue.js, any component can be registered as a global component which means that the component can be accessed anywhere in the application.

30. What is $parent property in Vue.js?

$parent property enables the child to access parent instances. It is similar to $root Property.

31. What are refs in Vue.js?

These are used to indicate a reference to other HTML elements or child elements.

32. What is the reactivity system in Vue.js?

The reactivity system in Vue.js is used to convert plain JavaScript objects into reactive proxies.

33. What is Vue-loader?

It is a webpack loader for the Vue.js single file component.

34. Why is Vue.js so fast?

Vue.js works faster than other JavaScript frameworks because it was developed

with the help of lightweight virtual DOM.

35. Mention some of the advantages of using Vue.js

Here are some of the advantages of using Vue.js.

1) Easy integrations

2) User-friendly

3) Better performance

4) Easy to learn

5) Reliable and so on

36. What is the use of Vue-router?

Vue-router is used to establish a connection between browser URL and Vues’

37. With which inbuilt directive of Vue.js, one can assign values to HTML attributes, and change the style?

v-bind directive enables us to assign values to HTML attributes, change the style and assign classes.

38. What is the watcher in Vue.js?

A watcher in Vue.js is a special feature with which one can observe the changes

occurring to the data when we are applying certain operations to the data.

39. Which directive in Vue.js is used to update elements of textContext with our data?

One can use the v-text directive to update elements of textContext with our data.

40. How can one add extra features for the application in Vue.js?

One can make use of the Vue-plugins.

41. What is instant prototyping in Vue.js?

Vue.js provides a new feature called instant prototyping with which the developers can build components anywhere on the machine and can preview.

42. What is the use of navigation guards in Vue.js?

The navigation guards in Vue.js are used to guard navigation either by redirecting it or by canceling it. These are provided by the Vue-router.

43. List out all the life cycle events of a Vue instance in Vue.js.

Here are the steps or the events involved in the lifecycle of a Vue instance.

1) beforeCreate event

2) created event

3) beforeMount event

4) mounted event

5) beforeUpdate event

6) updated event

7) beforeDestroy event

8) destroy event

44. Mention one advantage of using mixins in Vue.js?

One of the main advantages of using mixins in Vue.js is that they provide the flexibility to distribute reusable features.

45. What are the different types of directives present in Vue.js?

There are different types of directives present in Vue.js. They are

1) Empty directives

2) Literal directives

3) General directives and

4) Custom directives

46. What is a component in Vue.js?

Component is one of the significant features in Vue.js. These components are used to extend the basic HTML elements to reusable code. These components can be registered in two different ways as local and global components.